If you had told me a few weeks ago that a woman in my life would change everything - I would have looked at you a though you were some loon. You would have been right, though. A woman changes everything. I don't mean in terms of sex - I haven't even thought about going that far - I am instead referring to the feeling of companionship and that weird warmth you get from being with another person.

I don't know how long it's been since I last posted, perhaps a few days? Either way, I have had such a wonderful time with this woman (who I shall not name) that all sense of time has flown past me and my world seems to revolve only around her. I feel somewhat light, as though some great weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and yet I can only feel that it will not last as long as I should like. After all, she's bound to leave me in a sobbing heap one day. There are things abbout me she does not know, and should not know for if she discovers them she will surely leave me. Fear not, it isn't murder or something awful like that. Nothing like that at all. Merely things in my head that make me...different from other people. Things thatmany would claim to be abnormal or inhuman. Once she discovers these traits I fear she will leave me, and if she does I fear my heart my break into so many pieces that it shall never be fixed again. It may have only been a week or so since I met her, but I can honestly say that I love her and care for her with all my heart.

We went out for coffee yesterday. I tend not to travel to places outside my home (bar going to work) and so it was a relatively new experience for me. The shuffling and hassling of grouchy people made me feel a little uneasy, but her slender hand was wrapped around my own and I knew I would be safe. Some might laugh at the fact that I, a man, would have to rely on a woman for protection, but I don't see it that way. In a relationship you protect each other from different things and one of the things she needed to protect me from was my social anxiety. I couldn't even talk to the staff member to order my drink. Being an understanding person, my lovely girlfriend (such a great word) ordered it for me.

So great a thing it is to be in love.



"Fear not, it isn't murder or something awful like that. Nothing like that at all. Merely things in my head that make me...different from other people."

-you remind me of my old self 0_o , I've always had my own weird thoughts.. but shook most of them off because wherever I go, I cant find that someone to talk about them..

Social anxiety, we have that in common.. I have Selective Mutism, I choose who I speak to.. only talk when I'm spoken to.. 0_o

I'm following you.. Your posts are wordy but I like reading it.. I like your ideas.. :)

I think you're really sweet with your girlfriend...although its not right that you let her do those little things.. you will lose her if you continue that.. :(

Perhaps we are similar people? Should you ever have those weird thoughts, you can always talk to me - weird thoughts can be enjoyable and interesting to listen to and discuss.

Social anxiety can be a difficult thing to cope with and live with, I'm sorry to hear that you have Selective Mutism, it must be a troublesome thing to have sometimes.

Thank you for following me, I am glad to hear that you enjoy reading my posts. :)

You mean things like letting her order my drink? Yes, I suppose I should do such things myself, but it is so hard to do so sometimes. So very hard...

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