It is in fact Green. The grass is red and the sun is black. Yes, that's how it all looks. You may read this and say "What is the fool taking about?" but it's quite a serious point. No, it's not really, more just a fun idea. What if the sky suddenly turned green and the grass the colour of blood? Wouldn't it be interesting if the sun was dyed black yet still emitted light and warmed our planet? What an exciting place the world would be, what an exciting place indeed.

I was discussing the possibility with my girlfriend the other day, and she believes it to be folly. It would seem that many people lack the same imagination as me, which is a real shame. I think it could be possible, I mean why not? Who says colours have to be set in stone? Perhaps one day nature will decide it's tired of the same colours and will change. I mean, for all we know pink is actually silver and black is equivalent to yellow.

I think I've been reading too much today, hence my mind is thinking in such an abnormal fashion. To be honest, I see no problem with it, but my girlfriend gives me funny looks when I start thinking about things that aren't the norm. I'm wondering if this is the beginning of a crack in our relationship. Hopefully not, it's just be being paranoid I'm sure.

There isn't much to report really. I finally got round to playing the new Batman game - it was EPIC. Finished A Dance With Dragons (again, amazing) and flicked through my collection of old marvel comic books. I've hung around with my girlfriend, but she seems less keen on me now that she knows me a bot better. I do wonder why - I've been nothing but nice to her. Anyway, that's pretty much all that's new in the life of Michael.

Until next time,



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