Note the reference to the Cure song 'Friday I'm in love'. Yes, sadly Friday was yesterday.

Saturday is my favourite day of the weekend. No work, no people, just me and a good book. Oh, and not to mention the pile of food that I plan to graze on as the day progresses. I wish Saturday lasted longer. I just want to be able to relax for another twenty four hours, to bask in the nothingness of peace and quiet. Work is so hectic sometimes and there are so many people asking questions and complaining that sometimes I just want to run away from it all and live on a farm. a farm would be a lot of work though, I don't think I could do that alone.

So, what I'm doing today (apart from posting here) is reading the first book in the series in 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. I should have read it before, I've really been mising out on a great piece of literatre. I'm nearly done this, and when I've finished I'll be sure to move onto the next book. A Clash of Kings, is it? I bought all of the books except the last one - I'm waiting for that to come out in hardback.

Depressingly, I've got work early on a Sunday morning and I'm not looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, I couldn't ask for a better job. As I've said before, I just can't stand the petty complaints and continuous questions of "where is this item?" and "why is this item out of stock?" I don't know the answer to the last one, I don't know why people expect me to. I mean seriously, I'm not all knowing and wise. apologies, mini rant on work over.

Well, for now I'm just going to continue reading, maybe do a little bit of writing later on and eat to my heart's content. Yes, eating is a good thing right now. Yummy.



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