Yes, whispers and lies. The reason this blog is titled as such? Well, it's all people at my workplace seem to do. every day I listen to them slagging each other off in pairs, whispering about how one person is a whore and the other is so frigid no man would want her. I can tell you the men are just as bad as the women. Gossip isn't a female only thing, men crave it just as badly and seek out 'juicy' information about friends and colleagues.

I've never been interested in talking behind people's backs, I've always found it pathetic and cruel. I don;t know why anyone would ever want to say such terrible things about a fellow human being whether they like them or not. The worst thing is that a lot of these whispers turn into exaggerated lies (if they don't start as false) and a woman sleeping with one man turns into a woman sleeping with at least ten. I don't see the enjoyment people get out of this, I don't understand their desire for information that makes another person look bad. 

Anyway, it was this morning when I got to work that I heard a woman and a man I work with whispering behind the til. They didn't notice me, and I wasn't bothered about them...until I heard my name. I paused a moment, knowing they would not sense my presence. As I did so, I heard what it was they were saying. They called me a loner, a freak and a psycho. even though it came from people I barely know that still cut deep. They still didn't notice me as I continued my way to the stock room to start stock count. As I worked, I couldn't get the names out of my head. "Loner, freak, psycho." Who wants to hear that? I started going through the reasons they might want to call me that in my head.
Loner, I can sort of understand. I do like to spend as much time as possible on my own, but that's simply because the right human hasn't come along. The right friend or partner. Everyone just seem like idiots to me.
Freak, I have less ability to understand. Why would they call me that? Sometimes I wear an outrageous tie (my favourite having white and black sheep on), but other than that I have no idea what they're on about. Still hurts though, still hurts.
Psycho makes it sounds like I have some kind of mental illness. Last time I checked, I didn't. Last time I went to the doctor she told me I was all clear. I think I'm safe. Apparently, I have a form of depression, but I really don't see that. I don't think I sound or act depressed, but whatever.

Regardless, I still don;t think it was right of them to whisper about me. I've hardly spoken to them before and they have no idea who I am or what I'm like. They shouldn't judge and I am not one to be judged on appearance and action.



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