I have to apologise for lack of updates. It's been over a month, I know. Not that any of you were worried, but I feel I owe you all an apology.

So, last time I posted I believe I was about to move into my London apartment and start my new job. You may be pleased to discover that I have done just that - I've unpacked all my boxes and started work. I have to say thatnk you to those of you who read my blog and commeted, persuading me to start again. Already it's really helped me out and I'm feeling like a better person. My apartment is a little on the small side, but I don't really need much space. As long as I can eat, sleep and store my books safely, I'm a very happy man indeed. I haven't done much with the furniture yet, even though the furniture left in the apartment is a little depressing. The couch is stained with alcohol and blood, the floor is scuffed and I'm really not sure what's stained the walls (I don't think I want to know either). I'll get 'round to it eventually, I just need to make some more money first.

I found two jobs to keep me occupied. The first is at the bookstore and the second at the library. It's quite nice actually. I work four days at the bookstore and three at the library, very few days off and half decent pay. It's not a bad life so far really. My colleagues are rather friendly, and whilst I'm not great when it comes to social communication with them, I'm trying and they seem to be patient enough. You could almost say that they were encouraging me to speak. It's a strange feeling, the one of acceptance. It fills you with this warm pleasure...something that's almost tingly and refreshing. It's a beautiful feeling.

As for relationships - I have none. Ive decided to give it a break, think about where I'm going and who I plan on spending time with. In the mean time, I think I'll get a dog, I've always liked them and they make good companions.

Until next time, reader,



=_= I feel just the same, years ago.. See, they are making effort.. and they've got patience. You should make an effort back.. just don't judge them before you get to know the REAL them because by reading this post, I don't think that these people are the type to do that, to prejudge.. :)

and I'm pleased that you're back..

I think my comment here got erased.. it was a really long commment.. grrr. =_= anyway, just don't prejudge.. :) return their effort.. and you'll be okay. I know cause I've been there. If they insist that you go with them to the movies, then go.. just think of it as an opportunity.. NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, you don't want to end up talking to a football named Wilson, in the future now, do you?? =_= ;)

No, they don't seem to be judgemental so far, they're all very kind people. Hmmm, my very own Wilson? Now, that would be interesting. Except, I wouldn;t want him to get washed away - it would be quite distressing. :( If they invite me out, I will be sure to go - or at least think of going...;)

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