I've been pretty busy lately. I've been working double shifts to get more money in, which means less days off, but enough time to take my dog for a nice, long walk every evening. He's growing pretty fast and I wonder just how massive he's going to be. Judging by the size of his paws...huge.

So yes, work. It's been busy, it's been hectic and more than a little chaotic, but I have to say that I have enjoyed every moment of it. I'm finding it a little bit easier to talk to people now, and so interacting with customers has improved, much to the relief of my boss who was fearing that he may have to let me go for poor communication. So yes, things seem to be looking up. Of course there are days where I feel dark and gloomy, as though there is no hope or point in life, but that's how it is and how this illness works - an illness I'm going to beat. My doctor tells me that my form of depression will take years, especially as counselling and phychologists don't work for me. However, I'm willing to put the effort in and my new companion has been a great help.

So yes, not much happening on this side of the screen, but who knows what lies around the corner.


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I'm just a guy, and this is my life. I'm human, just like everyone else.


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